Product Processing
Product Processing and Handling
All processed food is halal if it meets the following requirements:
- The product or its ingredients do not contain any components or products of animals that are non-halal by Sharia law or products of animals that are not slaughtered according to Sharia law;
- The product does not contain anything in any quantity that is decreed as najis by Sharia law;
- The product or its ingredients are safe and not harmful;
- The product is prepared, processed or manufactured using equipment that are free from contamination with najis; and
- During its preparation, processing, packaging, storage and transportation, it shall be physically separated from any other food that does not meet the requirements specified in items 1, 2, 3 and or 4 or any other things that are decreed as najis by Sharia law.
Devices, Utensils, Machines and Processing Aids
- Devices, utensils, machines and processing aids used for processing halal food shall not be made or contain any materials that are decreed as najis by Sharia law and shall be used only for halal food.
- Devices, utensils and machines that were previously used or in contact with Najasah al-mughallazah (impure substances) shall be washed and ritually cleansed (dibagh) as required by Sharia law.
- In the case of converting or processing line containing Najasah al-mughallazah into halal production line, the line shall be washed and ritually cleansed and verified by the competent Islamic authority. Upon conversion, the line shall be operated for halal food only. Repetition in converting the line to Najash-mughallazah line and back to halal line shall not be permitted.
Product Storage, Sanitisation and Food Safety
- All halal foods that are stored, displayed, sold or served shall be categorised and labelled halal and segregated at every stage so as to prevent them from being mixed or contaminated with things that are non-halal.
- Hygiene, sanitation, sanitisation and food safety are prerequisites in the preparation of halal food. It includes the various aspects of personal hygiene, clothing, equipment and the working premises for processing or manufacturing food.
- If a non-halal carcase is identified by a Muslim slaughterman or the Muslim checker, the Muslim checker will inform the halal supervisor or the halal inspector.
- The halal supervisor or halal inspector will follow the non-halal carcase on the chain and all the offal is separated to the point where it is stamped as non-halal and gets into the chillers.
- At the weight scales, the halal stamp will be applied on all halal eligible carcases that are to be sold as halal product.
Requirements for Food Premises
- A halal certificate issued by a recognised Islamic body for raw materials, processed materials or food additives must prove sources of doubtful ingredients.
- Preparation and handling of raw materials and related ingredients should meet halal, hygiene and safety standards.
- Sale of liquor and like is prohibited.
- Equipment and appliances should be cleaned and should be used only for the cooking of halal foods.
- Every employee in halal production must obtain halal training.
- Storage for wet and dry raw ingredients should be separated.
- Hotel inspection and certification should be only for the hotel kitchen.
- Two Muslim cooks should be working at the halal kitchen.
- Any non-halal or doubtful ingredient must not be used for halal cooking.
- Liquor and liquor-based ingredients are prohibited in the halal kitchen.
Requirements for Supermarkets
Supermarkets selling raw ingredients, halal and non-halal products should consider the following matters:
- Area for halal and non-halal products must not be near or alongside each other and must be clearly labelled.
- Halal products must be separated from non-halal products and halal labels must be clearly displayed.
- The person handling the halal products must not come to contact with non-halal products and avoid all possible cross contamination.
- The premises owner should by all means inform consumers regarding the status of halal and non-halal products.
Requirements for Cold Storage
- A Muslim inspector must receive all halal loads.
- Halal products must be separately stored during blast freezing.
- Frozen halal products must remain isolated from non-halal products in the freezer.
- Halal products will be loaded out separate from non-halal products under the supervision of a Muslim inspector.
- A Transfer Certificate must accompany all halal products transferred from the cold store.
- All halal products loaded for export must be accompanied by a Halal Interim Certificate.
Food premise, eatery, restaurant, hotel requiring Halal accreditation by ANIC should follow the terms & conditions bellow:
- Preparation and handling of raw materials and related ingredients should meet halal, hygiene and safety standard.
- Use of alcohol, wine and like in cooking process is prohibited.
- All ingredients, additives derived from prohibited animals in Islam or allowed to eat but not Halal slaughtered should be avoided. (as gelatine, fatty acid and Rennet)
- Storage of raw materials and finished products either before or after cooking should be in satisfactory condition in aspect of cleanliness and safety.
- All involvement in Halal food handling (ingredients, kitchen’s equipment, storage, packaging should be totally for halal food only.
- All staff must be aware of Halal requirements and adhere Halal integrity.
- No alcohol is allowed to be served in the Halal certified restaurant.
- At least two Muslims must be employed at Halal Kitchen.
- To allow conducting random spot inspection of the premises.
- Halal Accreditation is valid for the period of one year, and remains the property of ANIC and can be revoked at any time in case of a breach of the conditions mentioned above.