Boning Rooms
Requirement for Boning Room
Further Processing
- Halal meat will be boned at a time separate from the non-Halal meat. Non-halal products must not be present in the room during this time.
- This is followed by a complete clean-up of the room, complete wash down of all meat packing and slicing tables, knives and change of all cutting boards.
- In the boning room, Halal carcases shall be boned out separately from non-halal carcasses. Prior to the commencement of halal boning operations, all non-halal meat will be packed and cleared from the boning room.
- The halal cartooned product is stamped halal, conveyed to the blast chiller for chilling or transported product will be palletised and stacked separately from non-halal cartooned product in the blast chiller and during transit to freezer stores.
- The halal product shall be transported on separate racks or pallets from non-halal products. Halal products shall be identified by a clear impression of a halal brand.
- In case of any carcasses degraded and deemed non-halal then non-halal carcasses shall be maintained in a separate chiller or on separate rails with at least one clear rail between halal slaughtered and non-halal slaughtered carcasses.
- Offal from non-halal carcasses shall be packed separately from halal products by separation at the viscera table and placed in containers labelled non-halal. The non-halal product shall be periodically removed by the Muslim supervisor.
- A Transfer Certificate must accompany every halal load transported from the abattoir to the boning room or cold storage.
- All halal products loaded from abattoir for export must be accompanied by a Halal Interim and Export Halal Certificate.